Young woman wearing the lovely "Miss You" Memorial Urn Necklace from online keepsake jewelry shop they made me wear it. Now you can safely insert the ashes of your beloved into the beautiful keepsake.

Introducing Our Miss You Urn Necklace

Product Spotlight

Memories are always with us, but sometimes we want better ways to remember them by.

We never have enough time with our pets, and the reality is that most of us will outlive our pets. For this reason, having a pet can leave you mourning in an unexpected way. Every single moment with a pet is a gift, and it is something that many of us take time to reflect on well after the passing of a pet. We take time to look back on those cherished memories and look for ways to grieve in our own way.

One way to grieve is with a memorial necklace, a keepsake that can help you to keep your pet with you after they have crossed the rainbow bridge. Our ‘Miss You’ Urn Necklace is a new design for pet lovers of all kinds that can serve a truly special and meaningful purpose while you remember the love brought into your life by your pet.

National Pet Memorial Day

Statue of Fala the Scottish Terrier, former US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's beloved pet dog at the FDR Memorial on the National Mall in Washington DC.
Sculpture of FDR's beloved pet Fala, by Neal Estern, National Park Service.

September 11 is a time for reflecting and remembering for those in the United States. However, you might be surprised to know that this special day is also National Pet Memorial Day. On this day, pet parents can take time to reflect on the pets that they have lost.

Whether you choose to reflect on a pet that you had during childhood or you are mourning the loss of a pet that has left you more recently, this day provides a quiet moment of reflection. Our pets are such important parts of our families, and this is a day when we can remember all of those happy memories and reflect on the unique presence your pet brought to your life.

Losing a Pet

In life, we face many unique challenges. For pet parents, one of those challenges is coping with the loss of a pet at some point in time. This can leave you feeling upset and hurt in their absence, and that is completely normal. Some days will be harder than others, and there will be moments where you wish that they were still by your side. How we grieve is unique, and your experience will come with its own feelings as more time passes. Loss is never easy, but it can be good to remember just how much joy and love your beloved pet brought into your life.

How Do You Honor a Beloved Pet?

Beautiful memorial stone for animals who have crossed over the rainbow bridge.
Forever in our hearts you shall remain.

Honoring beloved pets who have passed on is a deeply personal process that we each do for ourselves. Even family members may mourn a passed pet differently, and that is just fine. We all process loss in our own way, and we should each seek out ways to honor our pets that allow us to mourn in a way that feels right for us. There are many ways that you can honor a fallen pet. Let’s discuss some of the more common approaches that have helped other pet parents to find peace.

A Small Service

Having a service for a pet is something that more people are doing, and it can be a deeply healing process. For generations, humanity has embraced different ceremonies meant to highlight the life of someone that is lost and bring peace to those that loved them. The same can be done when a pet passes away.

How you choose to run your service is a decision that you and your loved ones will make. It might involve a burial, a gathering of those who loved the pet, or something that every family member does privately on their own. You can decide what is appropriate for your family.

Fond Memories

Reflecting on memories is one of the best things that we can do to honor those that we have loved and lost. In your memories, your pet is still very much with you. Though it can be a bittersweet experience to reflect on some of these more powerful memories, it is important to remember that this is true because of love—and that is never a bad thing. You can remember how excited they got over certain treats or the ways that they reacted to tiny moments of joy. These beautiful memories can stay with you for the rest of your life.


Modern pet parents are known to photograph their pets quite a bit. Most of us have pictures and videos of our pets—at least one or two. For some, it can help to reflect on these pictures or even place them around the home. This is a wonderful way to keep their presence around the home, and it can help you to feel like they are still with you in some ways. These small gestures can be good for your healing process.

Keepsake Jewelry

Keepsake jewelry is becoming a more common approach to mourning a lost loved one. This jewelry is designed to give you a way to keep that loved one with you no matter where life takes you. You can use your keepsake jewelry however you like, but the general focus is to choose a necklace that will remind you of them. Having a tangible item to hold onto while grieving can be nice, even if you would prefer that your pet was still with you. These necklaces can really help to make you feel less alone during the grieving process.

Understanding Keepsake Jewelry

Woman in white sweater wearing our lovely Two Hearts Forever Urn Neckalce from online keepsake jewelry shop they made me wear it.
I'll carry you with me, always❣️

Even if you don’t own any keepsake jewelry of your own, there is a very good chance that you have seen it. More people are turning to these pieces of jewelry to provide comfort and keep that special someone close to them. To decide if keepsake jewelry is right for you, there are a few things that you should know.

What Does Keepsake Jewelry Mean?

Keepsake jewelry is jewelry that is designed specifically for honoring a lost loved one. It can hold a small token of your love for that person or pet inside, giving you a way to symbolize their presence in your life and allowing you to keep them with you everywhere that you go. Each piece of jewelry will mean exactly what you want it to mean.

Can You Use Keepsake Jewelry to Hold Ashes?

Yes, keepsake jewelry is commonly used to hold ashes—or even a small piece of fur from a lost pet. Since this type of jewelry has a small container, it allows you to place something inside of it. While many people do put ashes in their keepsake jewelry, you don’t have to. You can choose to put a small quote on a piece of paper or even sand from your last trip to the beach with your pet inside of it. If you prefer, you don’t have to put anything in it. You can simply choose to let the jewelry serve as a symbol all on its own.

Is it Weird to Wear an Urn Necklace?

When most people hear about keepsake jewelry for the first time, they can feel a little taken aback. Keepsake jewelry is a new concept—at least in the way that it is growing in popularity now. However, most people find that it can really help them to mourn and feel connected with the person that they lost. If it makes you uncomfortable, you will not want to wear it—but if you are worried about what others might think, don’t. You deserve to mourn, and no one else’s opinion should matter on this topic. There is nothing weird about an urn necklace. Many people find them to be comforting.

How Much Does it Cost to Buy an Urn Necklace for Ashes?

Prices for keepsake jewelry can vary significantly from one jeweler to the next. Just like the traditional jewelry market, the keepsake jewelry market has a huge range of offerings. Some keepsake jewelry is basic, while other options can be filled with luxuries like diamonds or precious metals. This means that you can generally pay as much or as little as your budget allows for. Our keepsakes range from $65 to $100, click here to shop our entire collection of keepsake jewelry.

What Our Customers Say About Our Memorial Necklaces

If you are still deciding if a memorial necklace is the right investment for you, it might help you to know how other people feel about them. Though opinions can vary, we have received highly positive feedback for our memorial necklaces. You can read a few statements from previous customers below.

  • "I wear my necklace every day."
  • "Carry them right with me."
  • "I look down and smile when I'm wearing it."
  • "A way to share how much my pet meant to me."

Keeping Your Necklace Safe

The most important decision that you can make with your memorial necklace is the one that you must make every day—to keep it safe. Memorial jewelry is very special, and that means that you always want to protect it as well as you can. Keepsake jewelry should only be washed using a soft, dry cloth. It should never be worn in instances where you will be wet, like in the shower, or where it might be at risk, like while working out. Protect your jewelry by choosing the appropriate times to wear it.

Introducing the ‘Miss You’ Urn Necklace

Black woman wearing and holding the lovely Miss You Memorial Urn Necklace from online keepsake jewelry shop they made me wear it.

A Thoughtful Gift


Not sure what to do with your pet's ashes? Our Miss You Urn Necklace was made specifically for pet owners to help mourn the loss of a fallen pet. Its design is made to give you plenty of space for ashes or a nice note inside. We made this simple design for pet lovers to keep their pets close to their heart, day or night.

Necklace Features

The necklace is made using highly polished nickel-free materials. Made with a high-grade texture, our necklace will not tarnish or oxidize with casual wear. The design itself offers a small urn chamber that is a simple cylindrical shape with a small paw print on it. Connected to the necklace is a small charm that says ‘Miss You’ that hangs above it. This necklace was made specifically to highlight how much you loved your pet—and how much you miss them in their absence.

Personalizing Your Necklace

We understand that everyone shares precious memories with those that they love, and we wanted to create a chance for you to embrace that. For this reason, each of our memorial necklaces can be customized with engraving to provide something even more special. You can put a name, a small quote, or anything else that will fit.

An Allergy-Free Option

Allergies are an ongoing concern for many of us, which is why we made our necklaces allergy-free to support every single person who wants a memorial necklace. Our allergy-free design makes it easy for you to wear this day or night, and it can also make it easier to choose as a gift for those with sensitive skin.

A Timeless Design

Some designs will age over time, and that is something that we wanted to avoid with this design. To do this, we kept it as simple as possible. This will allow you to wear it as comfortably today as you might ten years from now. Designed for daily wear, this classic design blends into any personal style.

Remembering Your Loved One on Your Own Terms

Only you can decide how to celebrate the life of your passed pet, and that is something that might take time to figure out. If you are looking for a reminder or token that will give you the chance to reflect on your pet and how much they mean to you, keepsake jewelry can be a wonderful option. Choose what will feel comfortable for you, whether that is jewelry with your pet’s ashes or a tattoo.

The Takeaway

Woman wearing the lovely Miss You Memorial Urn Necklace from online keepsake jewelry shop they made me wear it and safely store the ashes of a beloved pet who has passed away.

Limited Time Offer


Purchase the beautiful Miss You Necklace and get the second one 50% off. Use code SHARELOVE at checkout.

Loss is never easy, but we grieve, and with time, some of the pain passes. Just because your pet has crossed the rainbow bridge, it doesn’t mean that they are gone from your life. You can remember them however you choose to and in whatever ways feel right for you. If that is a memorial necklace, wonderful. If it isn’t, that’s fine too. Do what is best for you and remember to always reflect on the happy memories your pet left with you.

Until next time, thank you for reading!

About the author: Gabrielle is the loving pawrent to adorable pups Willow and Dilla. Growing up surrounded by dogs, she always dreamt of having her own. Willow and Dilla came into her life and changed everything. Now, she's crazy about pampered pooches, and her perfect day involves dancing with her husband, dressing up her furbabies, and cuddling them to sleep. For Gabrielle, life is all about spreading love and joy with her adorable canine companions by her side.